종류 및 특징
◎ Watchmaker RNA Library Prep Solutions 종류
◎ 주요 특징
- FFPE 및 low-input 샘플에서도 높은 민감도 유지
- 빠르고 간편한 자동화 가능 워크플로우 제공
- 클린업(clean-up) 및 핸들링 단계 최소화로 효율성 향상
- RNA 시퀀싱을 위해 최적화된 역전사효소(Reverse Transcriptase) 활용
◎ Rapid RNA-seq Workflows

Figure 1. Truly single-day RNA library prep. The Watchmaker RNA portfolio offers three streamlined workflow options to address any RNA sequencing application and associated sample type. Reduced incubation times and fewer purification and handling steps make all three workflows highly automatable and easily completed in a single workday.
◎ Watchmaker RNA Library Prep Kits 비교
◎ 연구분야별 적용 가능성