종류 및 특징
◎ Watchmaker DNA Library Prep Solutions 종류
- Watchmaker DNA Library Prep Kits with Fragmentation combine accuracy and scalability for highly sensitive clinical and translational applications, including FFPE analysis
- Watchmaker DNA Library Prep Kits deliver improved coverage and sequencing economy with fragmented DNA, including cfDNA from liquid biopsies
- 시퀀싱 편향과 artifact 최소화 – 정확도와 민감도 향상
- 액체 생검 cfDNA에서 저빈도 변이 검출률 개선 – 더 높은 커버리지 제공
- 500 pg의 적은 샘플로도 2시간 내 라이브러리 구축 가능 – 빠르고 효율적인 워크플로우
- 강력하고 일관된 효소적 단편화 기술 적용 – FFPE 및 low-input 샘플에서도 간편한 라이브러리 준비
Figure 1. Simple DNA library prep solutions. Watchmaker’s DNA portfolio offers highly streamlined workflows to address all DNA sample types. Samples requiring fragmentation use a consolidated enzymatic fragmentation and A-tailing step (Frag/AT), while pre-fragmented samples (e.g., cfDNA or mechanically sheared DNA) use a combined end-repair and A-tailing step (ER/AT). Amplifiable libraries may be prepared in approximately 1.25 to under 2 hours, respectively. For applications requiring PCR, Equinox polymerase provides excellent fidelity and yields while only adding about 1 hour to the overall workflow.