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Enzyme and Proteins

Watchmaker는 데이터 품질이 중요한 고정밀 분자 생물학 연구를 위한 고품질 시약 개발에 전념하고 있으며, 효소의 품질과 차별성이 실험 성능을 혁신적으로 개선하는 핵심 요소라고 믿습니다.
단백질 공학, 계산생물학, 대규모 효소 생산 기술을 기반으로, 기존 솔루션의 성능 한계를 극복할 수 있도록 맞춤 설계된 효소를 제공합니다.


◎ Watchmaker 효소 포트폴리오
  • Precision Enzymes – 특정 고난이도 연구를 위해 설계된 고정밀 효소
  • Core Enzymes – 다양한 연구에 활용 가능한 고순도 범용 효소

◎ Watchmaker의 차별화된 효소 제조 기술

  • 고정밀 및 범용(Core) 효소 포트폴리오 확장 – 고감도 연구를 위한 대량 생산 및 고순도 제조 공정 적용
  • ISO 13485:2016 인증 환경에서의 개발 및 생산 – 엄격한 품질 관리 기준을 준수하여 신뢰도 높은 실험 결과 제공
  • 일관된 성능을 위한 철저한 품질 관리 – 배치(batch) 간 변동 최소화로 실험 재현성 극대화
  • 맞춤형 포맷 제공 – 고농축(high concentration) 및 동결건조(lyophilization) 지원으로 다양한 연구 요구 충족



◎ Watchmaker 효소 및 단백질





 Precision Enzymes (engineered for demanding applications)

 Reverse Transcriptases

 StellarScript® HT+

 Delivers best-in-class thermostability and inhibitor tolerance

 StellarScript HT

 Provides increased thermostability and inhibitor tolerance


 Offers template switching and robust performance 

 DNA Polymerases (DNAP)

 StellarTaq™ DNAP

 Combats inhibitors and provides fast amplification for qPCR

 Equinox® Polymerase*

 Yields excellent fidelity, uniform sequence coverage, and high-complexity





 Core Enzymes (enzymes of broad utility manufactured to high purity)

 RNase Inhibitors

 RNase Inhibitor

Protects RNA from degradation at temperatures ≤55°C

 DNA Polymerases (DNAP)



 phi29 DNAP

Strong strand displacement activity and processivity for isothermal amplification with 3′➔5′ exonuclease activity


Exhibits 5′➔3′ exonuclease activity, lacks 3′➔5′ exonuclease activity, and has strong terminal transferase activity to generate A-tailed products


Exhibits 3′➔5′ exonuclease activity, lacks 5′➔3′ exonuclease activity, and forms blunted DNA ends by removing 3′ overhangs and filling-in 5′ overhangs


Exhibits both 3′➔5′ and 5′➔3′ exonuclease activity and performs nick translation and second strand synthesis 


 T4 DNA Ligase

Joins blunt and cohesive (sticky) ends and repairs single-stranded nicks


 T4 Polynucleotide Kinase

Prepares DNA for ligation through 5′ phosphorylation and 3' dephosphorylation

 Single-strand DNA binding proteins

 T4 Gene 32 Protein

 (glycerol +)

Assists isothermal amplification applications


*2X and 4X mastermix formats


◎ Watchmaker Enzyme and Proteins

- StellarScript® Reverse Transcriptase


 Part Number


 Pack Size

StellarScript® Reverse Transcriptase


 StellarScript Reverse Transcriptase Kit (200 U/uL)

 50 µl


 StellarScript Reverse Transcriptase Kit (200 U/uL)

 200 µl


 StellarScript Reverse Transcriptase Kit (200 U/uL)

 1 ml


 StellarScript HT Reverse Transcriptase Kit (200 U/uL)

 50 µl


 StellarScript HT Reverse Transcriptase Kit (200 U/uL)

 200 µl


 StellarScript HT Reverse Transcriptase Kit (200 U/uL)

 1 ml


 StellarScript HT+ Reverse Transcriptase Kit (200 U/uL)

 50 µl


 StellarScript HT+ Reverse Transcriptase Kit (200 U/uL)

 200 µl


 StellarScript HT+ Reverse Transcriptase Kit (200 U/uL)

 1 ml


 StellarScript Multi Reverse Transcriptase Sample Pack

 50 µl  per enzyme


- DNA Polymerase



 Part Number


 Pack Size

 DNA Polymerase


 phi29 DNA Polymerase Kit (10 U/μL)¹ incl. 10X phi29 Pol Reaction Buffer

 25 µl


 phi29 DNA Polymerase Kit (10 U/μL)¹ incl. 10X phi29 Pol Reaction Buffer

 100 µl


 phi29 DNA Polymerase Kit (100 U/μL)¹ 50 µl

 50 µl

¹ A unit is defined as the amount of enzyme required to convert 50 pmol of dNTPs into a polynucleotide fraction in 10 minutes at 30°C.


- T4 DNA Ligase



 Part Number


 Pack Size

 T4 DNA Ligase


 T4 DNA Ligase (120 U/μL)

 500 µl


 T4 DNA Ligase (120 U/μL) with 10X Buffer incl. 10X Ligation Buffer

 500 µl


 T4 DNA Ligase (120 U/μL) with 5X Rapid Buffer incl. 5X Rapid Ligation Buffer (30% PEG)

 500 µl


 T4 DNA Ligase (120 U/μL) with 2X Rapid Buffer incl. 2X Rapid Ligation Buffer (15% PEG)

 500 µl


 T4 DNA Ligase (600 U/μL)

 500 µl


 T4 DNA Ligase (600 U/μL)

 5 ml


 T4 DNA Ligase (600 U/μL) with 10X Buffer incl. 10X Ligation Buffer

 500 µl


 T4 DNA Ligase (600 U/μL) with 10X Buffer incl. 10X Ligation Buffer

 5 ml


 T4 DNA Ligase (600 U/μL) with 5X Rapid Buffer incl. 5X Rapid Ligation Buffer (30% PEG)

 500 µl


 T4 DNA Ligase (600 U/μL) with 5X Rapid Buffer incl. 5X Rapid Ligation Buffer (30% PEG)

 5 ml


 T4 DNA Ligase (600 U/μL) with 2X Rapid Buffer incl. 2X Rapid Ligation Buffer (15% PEG)

 500 µl


 T4 DNA Ligase (600 U/μL) with 2X Rapid Buffer incl. 2X Rapid Ligation Buffer (15% PEG)

 5 ml


- T4 Polynucleotide Kinase



 Part Number


 Pack Size

 T4 Polynucleotide Kinase


 T4 Polynucleotide Kinase Kit (10 U/µL) incl. 10X T4 PNK Reaction Buffer

 250 µl



 T4 Polynucleotide Kinase (10 U/µL)

 250 µl


- RNase Inhibitor



 Part Number


 Pack Size

 RNase Inhibitor


 RNase Inhibitor (40 U/µL)

 100 µl


 RNase Inhibitor (40 U/µL)

 500 µl


 RNase Inhibitor (800 U/µL)

 50 µl








